perfume from gravel

Toni Stone                                                            june 23, 2006
401 Buck Hollow Rd
Fairfax, VT 05454

perfume from gravel

you can make anything come to good, if only the space is held open, for benefit to happen.
it’s a choice.

someone i know had a car crash episode. actually, it was a five car pile up.
really, his car was totaled. they took it and
the car that hit him, away on a truck, a big truck.
the road
that it happened on was closed. the other cars went away on trucks, too,
but him, he walked away and so did all
the crash participants.
they all walked on their legs gratefully, away.

the guy i know was a little bit inconvenienced.
i happened to be downtown with my Mom, ten minutes away, so i drove over
to pick him up. he looked terrific standing there, in his blue shirt and rainbow tie.
all the traffic on Route 7, going South,
was at a standstill.

his thoughts were about how grateful he would be to have a
new car and an insurance check to help with that purchase.

he was grateful to be fine, not hurt and grateful to get picked up by two people who love him,
ten minutes after he called for help.

if that’s not perfume from gravel,
i don’t know what is,
but no one holds a patent on it.

it’s free and available to everyone.

